VelNonArt Transformative Health

13132 Studebaker Rd Norwalk, California, 90650

818-571-2561Website Link


VelNonArt Transformative Health (VTH), is a community and arts-based 501(c)3 providing education and training, mental health support, medication assisted treatment (MAT), syringe services, and intensive case management and re-entry services to individuals and organizations in and around Los Angeles. We provide resources, and support for individuals seeking harm reduction services, as well as advocacy and educational materials for the broader community. VTH is focused on addressing racial disparities, health inequities, and reducing the stigma attached to Black Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC), Latinx, and LGBTQI community members. VelNonArt aims to reduce recidivism by working closely with those reentering the community or are at risk of incarceration or reincarceration. We prioritize People Who Use Drugs (PWUD), People Experiencing Homelessness (PEH, justice involved individuals and other underrepresented communities.

Harm Reduction Supply Access Points as June 15, 2023 Address Notes: Set-up at Norwalk Outpatient Clinic Days: Monday -Wednesday / Hours: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm Type of Supplies: Naloxone, & Supplies for Safer Smoking and Safer Injection Kits