Impact Life

Po Box 1269 Hockesin, Delaware, 19707

302-384-6401Website Link


Impact Life currently offers peer-led recovery support services in Delaware and Cecil and Harford County, Maryland. In addition, we operate recovery residences independently as well as in partnership with atTAcK addiction for those re-entering society post-residential treatment. We offer Harm Reduction Services, a Workforce Development program featuring comprehensive recovery services, career development, expungement and pardon programs, and peer support. 

Every month, outreach workers and volunteers with local nonprofit Impact Life go out into Wilmington with a trunkful of “blessing bags” and Narcan. The bags — filled with toiletries and condoms — are for the city’s sex workers, a population that advocates say is underserved when it comes to addiction treatment. The overdose-reversing drug naloxone is for anyone who will take it.