Indigenous Peoples Task Force

1335 E, 23rd St Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55404

612-870-1723Website Link


The Indigenous Peoples Task Force strengthens the wellness of our community in a way that is based in indigenous values and ways of knowing. We were founded in 1987 to develop and implement culturally appropriate HIV education and direct services to the Native community in Minnesota. We know our community will not be completely well until all people have restored their relationships with each other and the earth. Our comprehensive approach defies categorization and includes:

Statewide Community-based Organizations As a part of the State Targeted Response (STR) Grants through Department of Human Services (DHS), organizations were awarded funds to provide Naloxone overdose training and kits free of charge. The following community-based organizations provide naloxone training and kits free of charge: Indigenous Peoples Task Force - Call 612-870-1723.