OD Free

5 Olympic Way Madison, Mississippi, 39110

601-540-6310Website Link


Properly prescribed medications can be effective—but like illegal drugs, they can also be abused. Whether produced legally or illegally, stimulants and opioids are dangerous substances, and just a small dose can be deadly under the right circumstances. Explore this website to explore the data as well as strategies for avoiding drug abuse, fentanyl poisoning, and other causes of overdoses, plus strategies and resources for prevention & treatment.

Naloxone is Available Upon Request If you or someone you know is at an increased risk for opioid overdose, you should carry naloxone and keep it at home. Naloxone is also known by other brand names such as Narcan and Kloxxado. Naloxone has no effect on someone not using opioid drugs. Naloxone kits are available to all Mississippi residents with no out of pocket cost. https://www.narcan.com/#how-to-get-narcan Naloxone can also be requested from the Mississippi State Department of Health by clicking on this link. It will be mailed directly to your home. https://apps.msdh.ms.gov/redcap/surveys/?s=DYL3F4MNF9M4PE37