Gateway To Prevention And Recovery: Seminole

201 N 2nd Street Seminole, Oklahoma, 74868

405-395-4357Website Link


Gateway, initially named “The DARE Program of Shawnee,” had its beginnings in the early 1980’s as Sallie McLaughlin, Gateway’s CEO, and other local citizens were concerned about their teenage children who had developed problems with drugs and alcohol. This planning group sought guidance from Chemical People television specials and soon partnered with the Shawnee Noon Day Lions Club to set up a hotline that would serve as a support for other families facing similar issues with no place to turn.

Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution (OEND) services including brief education on opioid overdose recognition and response and a free naloxone kit at locations across the state. Participants receive a 10 minute education session to recognize the signs of opioid overdose and respond appropriately to save lives.