The Chris Atwood Foundation

PO Box 9282 Reston, Virginia, 20195

703-662-6076Website Link


The Chris Atwood Foundation was created in 2013 after The Atwood Family lost their son and brother, Chris, to an accidental overdose at age 21. ? The CAF is a 501(c)3 charitable organization that creates recovery ready communities through free harm reduction and recovery support services, resources and education.

Where to Find FREE Naloxone/NARCAN 24/7 at Arlington County Department of Human Services, Crisis Intervention Center: 2120 Washington Blvd, Arlington (enter through the right side of the building) Arlington Residents, free through the mail: Complete this form or e-mail The City of Alexandria: contact The Chris Atwood Foundation National access to naloxone: Attend a 60 minute virtual overdose reversal training: _Summer-Dates-for-Narcan-Trainings-english and espanol.pdf To schedule a REVIVE! (Virginia's opioid overdose reversal training) for your group or agency email: